EPB Energy
60,000,000 Customer outage minutes reduced or avoided by the Smart Grid.
Annual operational savings delivered by the Smart Grid: $3,300,000
Number of unique MyEPB app users:39,950
Annual savings from automated Smart Grid meter reading: $2,700,000
$21,379,455 in PILOT payments to local governments

EPB Fiber Optics
Added 7,719 residential customers
Added 26 commercial customers
Grew EPB Fiber Optics subscribers to: 103,923 total customers
Total Gig customers
(grew from 19% to 27% of all internet customers): 26,114
Total EPB Smart Network customers: 43,887 (added 10,250 during the year)

Environmental benefits
EPB customers licensed 2,257 Solar Share panels
Reduced 12,407,518 tons of CO2 emissions
Environmental benefits from the Smart Grid include:
- reduced road miles driven
- enhanced power demand management
- power factor improvement
78,018 Paperless Billing accounts (Electric and Fiber Optics)
(added 52,156 during the year)
8,173,042 Pounds of waste diverted to recycling and compost

Serving the Community
189 Community partnerships
Professor Gig-A-Watt delivered educational presentations to: 16,365 Students
Annual purchasing from Minority & Women-Owned Businesses nearly doubled to: $10,359,835 (Total purchasing since program began grew to $76.7 million)
