EPB Fiber Optics
Added 4,552 residential customers
Added 275 commercial customers
Total EPB Fiber Optics customers: 126,086
Total Gig customers: 41,994
Total EPB Smart Network customers: 52,509
(added 3,874 during the year)

EPB Energy
27,757,330 Customer outage minutes reduced or avoided by the Smart Grid
Annual savings from automated Smart Grid meter reading
Number of unique MyEPB app users: 31,433
Annual operational savings delivered by the Smart Grid: $5,800,000
$21,419,000 In PILOT payments to local government

Environmental benefits
EPB customers licensed 2,644 Solar Share Panels
Reduced 4.2 million lbs. of CO2 emissions
Environmental benefits from the Smart Grid include:
- avoided road miles driven
- enhanced power demand management
- power factor improvement
105,022 Paperless billing accounts (Electric and Fiber Optics)
(added 8,436 during the year)
628,272 Pounds of waste diverted to recycling and compost
7,500,000 lbs of wood chips created from repurposed downed trees available free to community groups.
Nearly 60% of the energy EPB provides is carbon free. Along with our energy partner TVA, we have made it a priority to make cost effective decisions to reduce the greenhouse gases in the electricity we deliver to area homes and businesses. Cleaner electricity generation gives you greener energy you can feel better about.

Serving our community
People with internet access through HCS EdConnect: 28,000+ (16,000+ students & their family members)
182 community partnerships
Annual purchasing from Minority & Women-Owned Businesses: $6,678,514 (Total purchasing since program began grew to $93,559,130)


JD Power #1 Customer Service
EPB tied as the #1 ranked electric residential utility of any size in the U.S. in J.D. Power's annual customer satisfaction survey and ranked as the #1 mid-size utility in the South for the 6th year in a row.

EPB provided real-world, fiber-optic testbeds in partnership with Qubitekk, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory as part of an R&D100 award-winning effort to develop Quantum Ensured Defense, a cutting-edge cybersecurity technology using quantum cryptography with the goal of securing the national power grid.

EPB won “Best Internet Provider” for the 10th year in a row and “Best TV Provider” for the 11th year in the row in the annual “Best of the Best” Awards from readers of the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

EPB was named one of the Best Gaming ISPs in the United States in 2022 by PC Magazine.

EPB earned the “Smart Energy Provider” designation from the American Public Power Association for demonstrating a commitment to energy efficiency and environmental initiatives that support the goal of providing safe, reliable, low-cost and sustainable electric service.

EPB was named the #1 local power company for best overall performance across TVA's seven state service area for helping our customers achieve better energy value through the TVA EnergyRight Programs. EPB was a top performer in 12 categories and helped our customers save 15.6 million kWh.