With virtually unlimited bandwidth and symmetrical speeds, word continues to spread about the benefits EPB Fiber Optics provides. Today, Chattanooga is a recognized hotbed for creating products and services of the future for industries from education to healthcare. During fiscal year 2012, EPB increased its customer base by 31% in business sales and 34% in residential. This equates to more than 10,300 new customers during the last fiscal year. On the business side, the team ended the year at 102.8% of their sales goal, exceeding their monthly recurring sales by more than $7,000. We call that success no matter how you add it up.
Inspire to create more
Travis Truett is CEO and co-founder of Retickr, a news and social media aggregator that works to simplify users’ Internet experience through automating an on-screen feed tailored to individual preferences. “Currently, it takes about twenty ‘mouse clicks’ to find information, read it, and share it,” explains Truett. “Retickr condenses this process to just five clicks. That’s simplifying your life.” Retickr launched August 10, 2011 and quickly became the number one free news application download in the Apple App Store. Thousands of downloads were pouring in. They were overwhelmed, so they met with EPB and now run on their own 100 mbps connection. Access to the greater bandwidth ensures that they are able to grow as fast as their demand. For customers in trading or in other time sensitive, competitive fields, Retickr offers a more efficient way to consume crucial information needed to make decisions. Their ability to upload that information quickly and reliably matters. Even a few seconds can make a huge difference, giving users an edge they could not have had otherwise. “We have a product that could disrupt business as usual. The bandwidth is part of what helps us get there,” affirms Truett. “Retickr is in the right city at the right time.”
Inspired to do more
Chattanooga Public Library’s Executive Director, Corinne Hill, and Nate Hill, the library’s first Assistant Director of Technology and Digital Initiatives, envision our public library fully realizing its unique opportunity to become the nation’s first gig library. Together they are taking steps toward fulfilling a vision that our library would become the most natural place for collaborating and creating. Thanks to the EPB Fiber Optic network, a gig’s worth of extra bandwidth positions the library to service the creative side of the community in a completely new and different way than ever before. Instead of being the place where content is only consumed, the library encourages and facilitates the creation of content. Our gig will go a long way in helping that vision become reality.