Putting customers first

EPB Employees talking in front of a bucket truck

If the lights go out, EPB is still on

When storms and other factors damage Chattanooga's infrastructure, EPB is always at the ready to restore power as quickly as possible for customers. While the Smart Grid is automated to act instantly as the first line of defense in re-routing power to reduce the number of customers who experience lasting outages, EPB crews rapidly deploy to make the necessary physical repairs regardless of the weather or time of day. Until every customer has power again, EPB continues restoration efforts around the clock.

“During an outage, we deploy every crew and resource available,” said EPB Construction Manager Grant Carriker. “We work 24/7 because we know our customers are relying on us to complete repairs and restore their services.”

Whenever storms or other adverse conditions are in the forecast, EPB makes additional preparations by increasing staffing and adding on-call capacity including Field Operations, Customer Relations and other teams who respond during outages. Despite the best preparations, substantial damage to infrastructure sometimes results in widespread outages, so EPB has an established protocol for calling in additional help from contract crews and mutual aid from other utilities. Through these efforts, EPB has the ability to scale up its core team when appropriate to include utility workers from across the country and manage them with the singular purpose of ensuring our customers have the critical services we provide.

EPB President/CEO speaking in front of a crowd

EPB launches first community-wide 25 Gig internet service

EPB added another first by offering the world's first community-wide 25 Gig internet service in 2022. The launch came midway through a $70 million, multi-year core-to-edge network upgrade.

“EPB has continuously pushed the boundaries of what a utility can do for a city, and by launching 25-gigabit per second internet service community-wide, we have solidified Chattanooga's competitive advantage as the premier destination for the country's emerging knowledge innovation economy.” — Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly

The first 25 Gig customer was the Chattanooga Convention Center, the first convention center worldwide to offer such blazingly fast speeds over a broadband network. By having 25 Gig connectivity, the Convention Center can draw more e-gaming competitions, livestreaming events and other conferences. In addition to attracting visitors and dollars into the local economy, 25 Gig service also supports the attraction of new business investment, entrepreneurs and top talent. This improves quality of life for customers who rely on EPB's world-class connectivity for business advantages such as greater productivity and innovation along with residential uses including remote work, education and entertainment.

EPB Customer family using various internet connected devices

EPB Smart Net Plus simplifies home networks

As the number of wireless and smart devices increase in homes, EPB launched Smart Net Plus, a world-class managed Wi-Fi solution for residential customers designed to ensure EPB customers get the full value of their internet services across all devices in their homes.

Smart Net Plus answers residential customers' need for increased Wi-Fi coverage with the latest equipment to deliver reliable, consistent access to the world's fastest community-wide internet. It delivers a secure, fast, intelligent Wi-Fi 6 network professionally installed by local EPB Tech ProsSM who optimize each customer's Wi-Fi network for their home.

An accompanying app allows customers to see and manage all devices on their home networks, use parental controls to limit screen time and set filters, monitor usage and more. As always, customers have access to EPB's award-winning 24/7 customer support which includes service calls at no extra charge. And, as the number of customers' home devices continues to grow, EPB Tech Pros will even help install and connect them to customers' home networks.

Since its launch in October 2022, more than 5,589 subscribers embraced Smart Net Plus by signing up to add the latest offering to deliver reliable, consistent access to the world's fastest community-wide internet.

EPB Customers in front of illustrated fiber trail

EPB helps commercial customers “Be the Next Big Thing”

Continuing EPB's commitment to keeping Chattanooga on the leading edge of technology, EPB wants to help commercial customers “Be the Next Big Thing.”

EPB's business fiber products give businesses of all sizes access to world-class business solutions such as internet up to 25 Gig speeds, managed Wi-Fi, hosted cameras, hosted phones, 24/7 free and local customer support and more.

Many noticed a new advertising campaign that premiered in February 2023 with a Superbowl Sunday commercial highlighting some of the city's local and well-loved businesses: Bellhop Moving Services, Branch Technology and Hoff & Pepper.

A February article from the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce outlet Chattanooga Trend featured Hoff & Pepper Founders, Aaron and Michell Hoffman: “We're big fans of EPB — I come from a tech background and my work has always utilized Chattanooga's gig network,” Aaron said. “When Hoff & Pepper moved into our new 30,000 square foot facility last year, we installed EPB's mesh system, and every corner of our building now has full Wi-Fi coverage. It's an amazing product.”

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