EPB Fiber Optics
Added 2,931 residential customers
Added 53 commercial customers
Total EPB Fiber Optics customers: 129,070
Total Gig customers:
Total EPB Smart Network customers: 55,143 (added 2,634 during the year)

EPB Energy
40,282,417 Customer outage minutes reduced or avoided by the Smart Grid
Annual savings from automated Smart Grid meter reading
Number of Levelized Billing Customers 8,225 added 2,582 customers this year to improve their experience.
Number of unique MyEPB app users: 32,465
Annual operational savings delivered by the Smart Grid: $5,014,495
$21,413,000 In PILOT payments to local government
Provided EPB Energy Pros expertise to 2,392 customers through consultations, programs, and video views

Environmental benefits
EPB customers licensed 4,044 Solar Share Panels99.95% subscribed
(530 residential and 5 commercial customers)
Reduced 3.6 million lbs. of CO2 emissions
Environmental benefits from the Smart Grid include:
- avoided road miles driven
- enhanced power demand management
- power factor improvement
- paperless billing
114,968 Paperless billing accounts (Electric and Fiber Optics)
(added 9,946 during the year)
915,889 Pounds of waste diverted from landfill (not including vegetation)
Gave away 2,000 free trees through ReLeaf in partnership with the City of Chattanooga.
20,282,080 lbs. of wood chips created from repurposed downed trees available free to community groups
Nearly 53% of the energy EPB provides is carbon free to promote cleaner, clearer air for our community

Serving our community
People with internet access through HCS EdConnect: 28,000+ (Nearly 17,000 students & their family members)
197 community partnerships
Annual purchasing from Minority & Women-Owned Businesses: $9,190,822 (Total purchasing since program began grew to $102,749,952)


Best customer satisfaction
J.D. Power awarded EPB Best Customer Satisfaction for Residential Electric Service in the South among Midsize Utilities for the seventh consecutive year. EPB ranked best in four of six study factors: Billing & Payment, Price, Power Quality & Reliability and Customer Care.

EPB won “Best Internet Provider” for the 11th year in a row and “Best TV Provider” for the 12th year in the row in the annual “Best of the Best” Awards from readers of the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Voters also selected EPB as the top “Solar Solutions” provider in recognition of the work our EPB Energy Pros do to help customers identify energy savings opportunities.

EPB earned the “Smart Energy Provider” designation again from the American Public Power Association for demonstrating a commitment to energy efficiency and environmental initiatives that support the goal of providing safe, reliable, low-cost and sustainable electric service.

PCMag again ranked EPB in the top 10 ISPs in their gaming quality index and speed index for delivering low latency and high quality that make it among the best in the country for gaming.

Broadband Communities Magazine's annual Fiber-To-The-Home Top 100 honors organizations that lead “Building a Fiber-Connected World,” and recognized EPB's community-wide fiber optic network that provides broadband access to all homes and businesses in our 600-square-mile service area.

TVA EnergyRight® again named EPB to their Top Performers, specifically for Energy Equity Savings to help underserved communities save over $1.9 million, Home Uplift weatherization improvements for qualifying families that saved 448,066 kWh, and Business and Industry Upgrades and Incentive Spend that awarded more than $550,000 and saved nearly 95,000 kWh.